The firm

We are an independent asset management firm specialized in Fixed Income Corporate Bonds, Structured Fixed Income, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Equity Funds


Valora stands out due to its expertise in structured products, the conservatism in the models used in credit analysis, and the partners’ experience in the business market. In all our business areas, Valora appreciates medium and long-term investments, which are anchored by the fundamentalist analysis of assets, continuous monitoring of investments, and consistent returns for investors.

Fixed Income Corporate BondsOpen

VGI’s Fixed Income Corporate Bonds segment is focused on managing portfolios that invest in corporate bonds assets, with different risk and return profiles, seeking to protect the capital invested and create value for investors.

Real EstateOpen

Valora’s Real Estate Business area aims to originate, develop, structure, monitor and manage investment products backed by real estate assets and/or projects. The focus of investments is the search for the best relation between risk and return on investments.
Likewise, we seek to offer our clients exclusive opportunities, connecting investors and assets directly. Valora Investimentos stands out for its experienced team with knowledge of the risks associated with the real estate market and the capacity to mitigate these risks by originating and structuring the operations, and constantly monitoring the invested portfolio.


A área de Agronegócios da Valora Investimentos tem como objetivo originar, desenvolver, estruturar e realizar o acompanhamento das operações e dos produtos de investimento com lastro em ativos ligados ao agronegócio, com foco em operações de ativos estruturados que proporcionem aos investidores as melhores relações de risco e retorno, principalmente por meio de Certificados de Recebíveis do Agronegócio (CRA) e Fundos de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios (FIDC).

Neste sentido, a Valora Investimentos busca entregar aos investidores oportunidades exclusivas de investimento no agronegócio, aproveitando a capacidadede originação e estruturação de ativos e o profundo conhecimento do agronegócio da equipe, cuja liderança possui mais de 30 anos de experiência conjunta atuando no setor agro da América Latina e da América do Norte, complementada pela ampla experiência da Valora Investimentos.

Structured Fixed IncomeOpen

The Structured Fixed Income area originates, develops, and structures customized solutions for companies to raise funds and optimize their financial management. The focus is to propose alternatives through structured operations (Credit Receivables Funds, Receivables Certificate, Debentures) to raise funds that will be used in the core business without mobilizing working capital or increasing liabilities carried on the balance sheet

Equity FundsOpen

In its Equity investment activities, Valora Investimentos uses the extensive experience of its executives in business management to identify growth strategies capable of creating value for all stakeholders through active participation in the governance and management of the invested companies.


VGI’s infrastructure area has extensive experience in the sector, with a great capacity for origination, analysis, and structuring of solutions for project financing, and is able to conduct acquisition finance and equity financing transactions.

We finance projects in different locations in Brazil, sectors and stages (operational and pre-operational) through customized structures (guarantees, term, amortization flow).
Financiamos projetos em diferentes localidades do Brasil, setores e estágios (operacionais e pré-operacionais) por meio de estruturas customizadas (garantias, prazo, fluxo de amortização).

Our mission and goals

Our mission is to offer investments with consistent results and resilience.

We believe that ESG practices should be considered across the board in investment processes and analyzed as three interconnected pillars. Reinforcing Valora’s ESG positioning, we have become signatories to the PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment), and have formed partnerships with specialized consultants, seeking to improve our current processes. In September 2022, we issued VGIE11 for the first time, the first fund of the management company under an ESG framework.

Valora believes ESG has two strands:

Investment Process:

  • ESG should be used as a proxy to mitigate risks and map opportunities (when investing in new sectors or companies that have production processes with lower socio-environmental impact);

Internal Culture:

  • Creating a collaborative work environment that aims to promote the development and training of our employees in order to retain and attract talent in the long term;
  • Encouraging philanthropic and environmental practices;
  • Promoting diversity, and the plurality of ideas that generate exchanges and professional and personal growth; 

Risk & compliance
We are committed to ensuring compliance with laws, rules, guidelines and internal and external bylaws, and with corporate principles that ensure best practices are followed.

To ensure compliance of Valora Gestão de Investimentos with all policies that permeate the third-party asset management business and ensure that its activities are conducted in accordance with best practices of the market, the Compliance area has established its activities based on the following foundations: CVM Instruction, Affiliation to Anbima and ABVCAP, Code of Ethics and Conduct, Voting Policy in Meetings, Market Risk Management, Liquidity Risk Management, Apportionment of Orders, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention (PLD-FT) Policies and Information Security.

Documents available for download

Valora Agro encontra-se em processo de credenciamento na CVM.