Creating sustainable value is more than just an act of will, it requires knowledge, discipline, and the correct mobilization of skills.



Daniel Pegorini
CEO and Fund Manager

uditor at Price Waterhouse from 1993 to 1996. After this period, he worked at Banco Garantia Credit Suisse First Boston from 1996 to 2002 in the Debt Capital Markets area and was designated key employee in the sale transaction of Banco Garantia. He is a founding partner of Valora (2002), where he worked for more than 7 years in restructuring and recovery operations, in the positions of Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Commercial Officer, and Restructuring Coordinator. In addition, he took part in processes for structuring financial operations worth more than R$2 billion during this period. Founding partner of Valora Gestão de Investimentos (2005) and CEO since then, he has been a Portfolio Manager (CVM) since 2007. Daniel has a degree in Business Administration from EAESP at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and works as a Board Member in several companies.


Alessandro Vedrossi
Real Estate

Managing partner responsible for the real estate area since 2016. The area has approximately R$2 billion under management, distributed in 5 funds, and a history of structuring more than R$1 billion in Real State Receivables Certificates (CRI). With over 25 years of experience in the real estate investment and financing market, he worked at GMAC-RFC from 2000 to 2008, with periods in the US (2003/2004) and Mexico (2005/2006), participating in more than US$14 billion in securitization transactions. Between 2008 and 2015, he was the Chief Executive Officer at Brookfield Incorporações, developing real estate projects with a TAM of over R$20 billion, also working in the M&A, investor relations, and finance areas.


José Eduardo Varandas
Real Estate

With more than 19 years of experience in the real estate market, he started his career in 2001 in the technical area working with structural calculation and construction planning. In 2005, he joined CBRE in the investments area. In 2007, he worked at GMAC-RFC monitoring the investment portfolio in real estate projects. In 2008, after working in the mortgage area at Unibanco, he joined Brookfield Incorporações, and created the Market and Investment Intelligence area, where he monitored a portfolio of more than 200 projects in the residential, commercial, hotel and shopping center segments, totaling more than R$20 billion in sales value. Since 2016 he has been co-head of real estate and is a partner at Valora Gestão de Investimentos. Varandas has a degree in building construction from the Federal University of São Paulo, a civil engineering degree from Mackenzie University, and a master's degree in Real Estate from the Polytechnic School of USP.


Carlos Sartori
Structured Fixed Income

At Valora Gestão de Investimentos since 2009, Carlos Sartori is the partner responsible for the structured fixed income investments area, working on the structuring and management of credit receivables investment funds (FIDCs) and other credit instruments. Since joining Valora Group in 2006, he has participated in the restructuring process of several companies in the group, working as a financial analyst and team coordinator, as well as being responsible for the Planning area at Valora Group. At Valora Investimentos, he has been directly involved in the creation and management of the company's main credit funds, including the Valora Absolute and Guardian family funds, in addition to being responsible for the conception and operationalization of the FIDC management strategy. Carlos Sartori is an Electronic Engineer graduated from the Brazilian Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA).


Misak Pessoa
Risk & Compliance

Misak joined the Valora Investment Management team in 2010 and is responsible for the Risk & Compliance area. He has been in the financial market for 22 years, and has worked for ABN Amro Bank, Santander, Bilbao Vizcaya, and Banco Itaú in the investment funds area. He has also worked at Arsenal Investimentos and at BRL Trust. He has a degree in Business Administration from Universidade Paulista and a post-graduate degree from Insper.


Alvaro Novis

He was Vice President of Bank Boston in Brazil and President of Iochpe Bankers Trust. He has acted as Director of Anbid (currently ANBIMA - Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Association) . He was Vice President of Finance of the Odebrecht Group from 1998 to 2008. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Caixa Geral de Depósitos Brasil and of the American Chamber of Commerce Brasil (AMCHAM). He is a member of the Board of Directors of Simpar S.A.
Novis has a degree in Economics from UERJ and in Public Administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas.

Valora Agro encontra-se em processo de credenciamento na CVM.