Daniel Pegorini

uditor at Price Waterhouse from 1993 to 1996. After this period, he worked at Banco Garantia Credit Suisse First Boston from 1996 to 2002 in the Debt Capital Markets area and was designated key employee in the sale transaction of Banco Garantia. He is a founding partner of Valora (2002), where he worked for more than 7 years in restructuring and recovery operations, in the positions of Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Commercial Officer, and Restructuring Coordinator. In addition, he took part in processes for structuring financial operations worth more than R$2 billion during this period. Founding partner of Valora Gestão de Investimentos (2005) and CEO since then, he has been a Portfolio Manager (CVM) since 2007. Daniel has a degree in Business Administration from EAESP at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and works as a Board Member in several companies.